
April 18, 2011: Camp Erdman 2010 (Part 3 of 3)

I got more sleep this time, but only because my friends were all gossiped out. :) I was excited. I love obstacle courses! I'm also afraid of heights. When I said it was 50 ft high, I wasn't kidding. Luckily, I ended up with 2 of my friends on my team. When I first saw the Oddessey, I thought "This'll be FUN!". Oh how wrong I was. When I got on the top level of the Oddessey, (Yes, there are 2 levels. Both are very high.) I nearly passed out (again) when I looked down. I spent the whole time squealing with fear while doing the whole course, including the Zipline. (Yes, there was a Zipline.) After that & lunch, we got to play games. Not regular ones, though. Really crazy ones, involving Golf balls. :) After that, we went home & continued Winter Break.
Posted by katie at April 18, 2011 07:24 AM

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