July 2009
A week ago, I was a nervous wreck. Worried that something would go wrong at Mililani Middle school. But, look at me now. I am so comfortable with it, it is almost my 2nd home.
Although now, it's going to be a little trickier. Mom & Dad are in Sunny San Diego. A place where I have never been. Truth be told, I don't get around the U.S much. O'ahu, Big Island, Florida, and LAX is about it. While my dad has traveled to more places you could ever count. I already told my friends about my Parents leaving. They would keep me company for now. :) While I am sad that they leave me the first few days of Jr. High, there ARE some advantages. (Tee-Hee). I now can listen to Taylor Swift all I want, eat whatever I want for Breakfast, and stay up as long as I want. But my school days are longer now, so save that for this weekend. ( Muahahaha :D ). I you are reading this Mom, most likely Dad, :P , Au Revior! Have fun on your San Diego adventure! You both deserve it. Now go have an awesome time you (Crazy) kids!
Posted by katie at July 22, 2009 04:24 AM
The last few days have been pretty intense. Middle School starts tomorrow, and I can't help but think, "I'm Toast". I have everything ready. My bus pass, uniform, and my estimated 20 forms that needed to be filled out. I think the hardest and most boring, will be the homework. Mom said that they wouldn't give you 5-10 sheets of math and expect you to do it all in 1 night. But you could never be so sure. I know that I won't have the spare time I am used to having. So I can't wait until August 14th comes along. Although, I marvel at the fact that I won't have any trouble reaching the bus stop, (Probably), Mililani Middle School, will certanly be quite an adventure.
Posted by katie at July 15, 2009 02:57 PM
As my parents know, I am a Club Penguin Fanatic. (Okay, lets see if this works....)

If it is just a bunch of words. i apoligize for the mix up.
Posted by katie at July 10, 2009 03:57 PM
Another call from the vet took place today. Telling us he tested negative for F.I.P. The Worst-Case-Scenario disease. I was happy. For about Half-an-hour.
Over $1,000 was needed for tests. Such as X-Rays and Ultra-Sound. But the price, was too pricey. Mom said we just needed to watch him for a few days. "If worst comes to worst, we will have him hospitalized". She said.
I personally think he should be able to live through the year. Hopefully more. When dad confirmed we were getting a kitten/cat. He said "We want a cat that will live through when you get to college". We will be very, VERY, lucky if that happens. But, I ain't holding my breath. I am thinking he will live until at least up to the end of my 8th grade year at this rate. To me, any kind of organ problems are bad news.
Posted by katie at July 09, 2009 08:46 PM
We got the results of Charlie's blood test. Not good. He somehow has something wrong with his liver. He is only about 2 years old. But he is loved. They are still running tests on his blood. To see if there is anything we can do for him. All I can do is hope that he isn't hopeless....
Posted by katie at July 08, 2009 03:12 PM
Poor Cat.
It started about 3 weeks ago. I did my daily check on my 1 & 1/2 year old gray Tabby Charlie. His food & water bowl had the exact amount as it had 2 days before. I told my mom & 5 days later, he ended up at the local vet clinic.
The (very patient) vet said he appeared to be a little dehydrated and had a slight fever. Although I filled his bowl with fresh water everyday. They gave him a little wet food, he ate. Funny thing was, he still didn't touch his water they gave him.
About 8-9 days later, he ended up at the vet again. He still wasn't being himself. He still had a fever. That was what I was mainly worried about.
That was today. We are still waiting for his $250 blood test results. We will bring him in (again) if they find something. But for now, all we can do is wait.... and hope....
Posted by katie at July 07, 2009 08:34 PM
I recently entered the blogging world. So pardon me if I have any misspelling. Countdown to Jr High=10 days. Yipe. I won't get lost now [hopefully] and I got my uniform and everything. Yet to get friends and meet my teachers.
The school is huge. At least 10 buildings to completely lose yourself in. I am relived my homeroom teacher is a female. Although, I haven't had a male teacher throughout my life. So I can't help it but not be surprised.
Sorry if I ramble on or get boring. It's just what I want to say.
Posted by katie at July 05, 2009 09:21 PM