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August 08, 2003
Dear Hypocrite Down the Street,
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note: just one more political rant, and them I'm done, I promise

I don't know you. I've never met you. In fact, you could be Winston Churchill for all I know. I'm sure I've seen you in the neighborhood, but I wouldn't recognize you.

I already know I don't like you.

You write on both your cars' windshields with white paint. In teeny, meticulous, hateful letters. Now, what your goal is, I'm not sure, since it's kind of a bad idea to try to read while driving, but, eh, whatever. If people can still yap on their cell phones while driving, why can't you write evil political commentary on your car?

I am a liberal. You are a fascist. I know your views because they're written in small, meticulous, hateful letters on the cars that sit in front of your white-picket-fenced house with the big-ass flag in front of it. We get it, you're a Good American. I can deal with that; I'm not a snob; if you don't like war protesters or welfare or whatever, hey, that's your bag. I can see your point of view. Unlike Limbaugh or Coulter or all those other windbags who you may or may not like, I'm not going to yell you down and call you names.


Since your views are out there, for all of Makiki to peruse as they fly down the street, I think I have some right to make fun of you. Strange how you're such a Good American President-loving patriot now when your windshields were full of Clinton-bashing, conspiracy-theory-spewing, anti-government bullshit three years ago. "Love this country or get out"? What kind of crap is that? I do love America, thank you very much, which is why I hate to see people like you representing us. Why don't you go away? Take your own suggestion. It sucks that I live in a place that reminds me of what I think the rest of America should be like and yet, I have to know that rednecks live everywhere, even down the street from me, and they have way too much time on their hands.

damn, ended up calling you a name anyway. Sorry.


Amen, sister!

Hope you're well....

Posted by: Beth at August 9, 2003 12:38 PM

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