[ Aside - Thoughtlets on everything and nothing. ]

March 31, 2003
« March 30, 2003 | Main | April 01, 2003 »

Courtesy Bernadette

A - Act your age? Sometimes, and if I don't, I'm acting my shoe size
B - Born on what day of the week? Sunday
C - Chore you hate? Love laundry, loathe dishes. But I usually do dishes anyway because Ryan dislikes dishes even more than me, and he gets the laundry.
D - Dad's name? Ed. Just Ed. Don't call him Mr. Eno or Sir.
E - Essential makeup item? concealer, because babies give you permanent undereye circles
F - Favorite actor? I would watch Jerry Orbach read the phone book
G - Gold or silver? pearls
H - Hometown? (sl)Ocala, Flor'duh
I - Instruments you play? computer keyboard
J - Job title? mommy and ex- and probably future- retail slave
K - Kids? See above. Katie, five, and Zac, 10 months
L - Living arrangements? married with kids
M - Mother's name? Lorraine
N - Number of people you've slept with? none of your beeswax
O - Overnight hospital stays? two. one for each kid. Assorted others while my kids were in the hospital.
P - Phobia? Too weird to mention. Spiders. And a thing at the Honolulu Zoo I don't want to talk about.
Q - Quote you like? "The female of the species is more deadly than the male"--Rudyard Kipling
R - Religious affiliation? ex-Catholic
S - Siblings? one
T - Time you wake up? whenever the baby gets up
U - Unique habit? I have lots of annoying habits, but none of them are really unique.
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat? I'll eat anything. Except canned peas.
W- Worst habit? I can never make up my mind; if I have to decide on something I will change my mind at least three times. I can't help it; I guess it's not a habit as much as a personality quirk but it makes me crazy.
X - X-rays you've had? teeth and my right foot twice
Y - Yummy food you make? I can make lots of things. Ryan likes my tuna noodle casserole, but I make a great chili and this really cool thing with salmon. Wannabe chef.
Z - Zodiac Sign? Leo


Ooh. I'm stealing this one! :)

Posted by: ali at April 16, 2003 4:34 PM

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