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March 30, 2005
pain in the ass
« March 23, 2005 | Main | April 02, 2005 »

I love i-tunes. I really do.
But I've encountered something that is kind of annoying, and it's really shocking how upset I am.

When you put a song in your shopping cart, there are pictures above the list of CD's they recommend based on what's in your cart. I'm on a major Hawaiian music kick right now, and so one of my recommendations was for a compilation CD of local artists. And it's really great stuff. I quickly save four of the songs to my shopping cart.

So I go to my cart today to pick up one of the songs, and I CAN'T! It says "album not available in U.S. market". WHAAAAAT? What the hell you tell be about it for, huh? Not in U.S. market. I am really, really disappointed. I'd write them a letter, but I can't even find a "contact us" link on Apple's page. Bastards.


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