Floridated Water Sporadic Dispatches from the Vas Deferens of America
- Sunday, May 30, 1999
It's a big step, sleeping on her own. But we've found a lovey. We got her a Blue and she slept with it last night, so she won't be lonely. It's so funny; we were at Books a Million and she grabbed Blue off the shelf by herself and wouldn't let go of her.
K is tearing up the office again. Basically, she just pulls things off shelves and makes a mess, but never anything important or fragile.
I think we're gonna put her in her pool today. She loves to swim. gotta get to Magic Island more often!
We might go to Wild Waters tomorrow. I think there's a little-kid section for K.
- Tuesday, June 1, 1999
We went to the Springs yesterday. The plan was only to stay a little while and do a couple of things, but we stayed two hours. It was rather pleasant; not too hot, but still sunny and bright.
The first thing we did was to go on the jungle cruise. K protested at first, and then started to wail, to the bafflement of a little boy, who asked his mom, "why is she crying?"
We figured she was just restless, so we took her around to walk when the cruise was over. There was a new bear exhibit and I wanted to check that out, so we headed that way, and it was in the same general direction as the jeep safari ride, so we decided to take our chances that K would behave on that one, and she did, thank goodness. In fact, she was downright attentive.
On Sunday, not much happened because it was race day. I made K and early dinner and had her in bed by 8. I was suprised to find myself watching the race, too. Gordon came in 39th. Ha ha ha.
Katie's eating three meals every day, by the way. Subsequently, she's a little stuck, but we bought her some medicine.
Today we laid low. K walked a lot. She's so proud of herself. She can stand up from a sitting position. She makes sure I see her, too. She shakes her little bottom and claps her hands.
She's dragged that Elmo book to me about four thousand times and she's not satisfied til she hears every single word.
She's becoming very attached to her Blue. We may have to buy a decoy to have around just in case she loses it.
Mom brought us to BK for supper. She ate a teletubbies-shaped chicken tender and many, many fries.
So we're doing very well.
- Thursday, June 3, 1999
I've got a headache, and I can tell it's not going to go away until I'm in our bed at home. I'm achy, too, which makes me think I'm about to get sick, and I pray that I'm not, although it'll be the first time I've come here and not been sick.
K is a full blown little kid. I know I keep saying she hasn't changed much, but I see her practically every minute of every day, so it's hard for me to tell, but I know Ryan'll freak out. I don't know what to do about her tantrums, though. My instinct is to just make her happy. If Ryan can somehow manage to be the bad cop, it'll make things a lot easier. I hate seeing her cry. And when she's really mad at you, she throws herself on the floor.
Since I haven't been feeling well, we've been very quiet. K senses that I don't feel well, so she's pretty good, but she still gets restless and needs me to entertain her, which I can do with little trouble, except when she's dragged the Elmo book to me for the umpteenth time.
I just wanna go home. I used to be so full of guilt and sorrow when it was time for me to go home after all my previous trips, but this time, I have my own grind to get back to, thank you very much. I still love my folks, but I love my family more.
Still haven't heard from Vicki. I may not see her before I go, because dad and I are having lunch again tomorrow. Last time we went, I had two glasses of wine? I was positively goofy. I was trying to be normal in front of my dad, but I was struggling not to giggle or talk too loud. It's not cool to be drunk in front of your parents, especially only after two glasses.